Friday, October 29, 2010


this is wut i think rite now.
i try to write, but most of the time i was feeling like apa benda laaa aku tulis nih.
maybe i should write on traveling and makan place only. and masa-masak.
Eh, lama dah tak buat entry masak-masak, coz lately i'm lazy to take any photo during my cooking.
of coz lah tak best if i put entry ' itik masak kerutub bersama petai dan belimbing buluh' tapi takde gambar. kena bayang-bayang gitu and end up aku pun malas nak tulis. (eh bila aku masak itik? ha-ha. tipu.)

i've deleted the previous entries coz i feel that i shouldnt write negative things, complaint sana sini.


mak dah ada GPS u ols.
i'll travel a lot in november so hope this device would help me to avoid sesat lepas tuh naik teksi.
still godek how to use it coz i read in forum internet that it is not about the brand mahal murah but how u put key words, and get the right address, coordinate etc.
there is 1 case : someone bought an expensive garmin gps and end up stranded 4 jam in ladang sawit between johor and pahang negeri sembilan. ni sebab asyik re-route ke apatah tersadai pukul 1 pagi ke 4 pagi dlm ladang yang seram.
haa..ngeri jugak nih. mistik gituuu.

oh ya.

ada orang pi opis guna gps pagi ni.ha-ha-ha.



  1. so,camno?
    selamat sampai?
    esok dah wiken, boleh la cuba-try-test*bak kata org utara* gps tu, jenjalan kat KL nun..
    tapi better kuo awal pagi sebab blom sesak, org kl kan kuor jenjalan lewat sikit kalau wiken..

  2. nokkkk. jom kita lumba gps dr tol bangi ke old timer nak? tgk sapa sampai dulu.

  3. yela catz...kdg2 kita dah buat sesuatu tu kita fikir balik kan.betulke apa yang kita acik suke bace blog tulis le apa2 je.....mas yp

  4. salam catz..
    patutlah i cari entry baru tu tak jumpe...
    tp biasalah... kadang2 ada benda yang terbuku di hati kan...

  5. even entry carz pun susah nak jumpa...kena pakai gps jugak...heh3...

  6. miss u catz.... -michhi-
