specifically at big mall and hotels.
so its clearly explain why nak masuk hotel /shopping mall kena lalu pemeriksaan ketat. security guard and metal detector were placed everywhere even at hotel lobby. And security guard will check cars/any vehicle pass by the hot spot and hotel area. Nak masuk hotel area kena cek kau bawak bom ke tak. The situation is just like at jakarta. Cek beg kat x-ray machine , then bukak beg intai-intai kau bawak apa.
azab le kiah .
I had my breakfast here at MINI STOP ke apa tah nama kedai, rocky road ice blended with only 38 peso together with my megi cup and roti inti sardin hi5. burp. Then continue my sleep selamba baring dekat kerusi while waiting my domestic flight to CEBU.
there's no time different for KL and MANILA, tapi Oh sini pukul 5.30 pagi dah siang macam 7.30 pg.
#3 oh.. i lurveeee cebu pacific. oh..last month they announced that thay have different way to conduct safety briefing. it should be FUN katanya. siap dah kreograf tarian safety breafing guna lagu Lady Gaga oke. I watched it on youtube. so mak excited nak tgk dan rakam. sekali? tak de lah pun....kempunan oke. I prefer the female version coz aku rasa male version tuh mcm nak meruntuhkan kapal terbang je menari2 ikut glee tuh.
Tapi serious, aku rasa adalah bergegar kapal ni kalau siap ajar camana nak pakai seat belt dan jaket keselamatan sambil menari-nari agak melompat2 lagu Lady gaga.
The interesting part is..hik...i won (LIHAT LAH DONIA..ke ke ke) 2 tote bags cebu pacific. This is the only airlines yang katanya buat quiz-quiz atas udara. So they will ask few simple questions, if u know they answer raise your hand. if correct u'll get hadiah.
On the way to CEBU, aku adalah gagal menang coz camana nak jawab nok coz the questions is to teka line dialog movie. Movie superman lah..apa lah. kagumnya derang ni..siap hafal the lines, jawab betul. aku nganga je laaaaaaaaaa.
Maybe kalau line dialog Mak Jah dalam cerita sembilu aku boleh la jawab kot.
But from cebu to manila, aku dapat jawab betul.ha-ha. ngelat ah actually.
the question was.." Give the name of 3 country start with F"..
Aku ala-ala nak jawab tapi tak reti..tapi org belakang dah angkat tangan and said loudly "France, Finland, Filipines".
F for filipines? WRONG!
Phillipines starts with P oke.
so aku duk pikir.....and suddenly raised my hand. the FA came to me and i was loudly said
and yes..i won.
moskel mak, tak kan takde org lain yg tau nama negara. ke org putes dlm flight ni saja malas nak layan.
tak kesoh le....
Tapi serious, aku rasa adalah bergegar kapal ni kalau siap ajar camana nak pakai seat belt dan jaket keselamatan sambil menari-nari agak melompat2 lagu Lady gaga.
The interesting part is..hik...i won (LIHAT LAH DONIA..ke ke ke) 2 tote bags cebu pacific. This is the only airlines yang katanya buat quiz-quiz atas udara. So they will ask few simple questions, if u know they answer raise your hand. if correct u'll get hadiah.
On the way to CEBU, aku adalah gagal menang coz camana nak jawab nok coz the questions is to teka line dialog movie. Movie superman lah..apa lah. kagumnya derang ni..siap hafal the lines, jawab betul. aku nganga je laaaaaaaaaa.
Maybe kalau line dialog Mak Jah dalam cerita sembilu aku boleh la jawab kot.
But from cebu to manila, aku dapat jawab betul.ha-ha. ngelat ah actually.
the question was.." Give the name of 3 country start with F"..
Aku ala-ala nak jawab tapi tak reti..tapi org belakang dah angkat tangan and said loudly "France, Finland, Filipines".
F for filipines? WRONG!
Phillipines starts with P oke.
so aku duk pikir.....and suddenly raised my hand. the FA came to me and i was loudly said
and yes..i won.
moskel mak, tak kan takde org lain yg tau nama negara. ke org putes dlm flight ni saja malas nak layan.
tak kesoh le....
And they are racing wth Jeepney. ngeh.
So adalah tidak berbaloi bergadai nyawa naik cab ke Tutuban Mall semata nak beli soviners. so malas oke. Baik pegi mall dekat hotel jalan kaki.
#6 People in CEBU are so warm. and the hotel are sooooo generous to give 50% discount for body massage at spa. Plus i can eat at executive lounge + internet free. I lurve marriot cebu.
Tak pernah sampai lagi ke sana. Tapi lepas ni rasanya akan sampai jugak sebab baca entry ni sangat menarik...
soalan buta arah- cebu tu sebutnya sibu kan?
dah lama teringin nak ke filipina tapi tak sampai2 lagi
bolehlah di katakan menarik..
cebu adalah salah satu pulau yg femes di donia..kalau explore bolehlah tgk tempat menarik2,,
tapi budaya etc lain..interesting juga.
kucing oren gemok,
yesza...sebut sbg 'sibu', or some people sebut as 'sebu' ..
aku sebut sibu je..
ao ala2 pi sibu island kat jhr .
filipina ni interesting jugak..
tak jauh pun kan.
tetiba kan aku rasa mcm jeles jer dgn kau yang selalu pi jengjalan ni...uwaaaaaaaaa...
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