Saturday, December 25, 2010


1. I went to ware house sales with friends, everybody were so00 excited. 50% to 80% off. Lelong! lelong! during happy hour lagi. i browsed around 20 minutes and bought something (dah pegi susah payah kena beli lah 1 benda) andi end up sleeping outside the venue for almost 1 hour 30 minutes.My friend said i'm not a normal women. ahh? tah. not in mood of shopping plus..sometimes i found that i hate shopping. errr.

2. I washed my new white towel. Bila keluar mesin basuh the towel jadik kuning! kuning kecoklatan. tompok-tompok pulak tu.cehhhh. bengkek la.n0w i need to send it to the nearest kedai dobi. nyampah. oh water supply kita mmg warna kekuningan ke?

3. rasa nak tgk cerita hantu mak limah balik rumah. katanya kelakar sampai ketawa kejang perut. ye ke?

4. Another bus accident. One of the solutions is install gps dalam bas katanya? how about the kotak hitam lah etc sebelum ini? boleh mengurangkan kadar eksiden ke? I hope government would find the best solution to improve safety of our public transport supaya tiadalah kedengaran lagi bas masuk gaung etc. My opinion is: 1st --> make sure all the bus drivers has good attitude and well trained. susah kan?

5. Lately, glemernya ayat ni..i'm gay, i'm ok. i met a friend...she said:"hi catz! how are you? i'm gay, and i'm ok.." motiffffffffffff???? main-main ko yeeee.

6. i've started my diet (???) , so now i'll watch my food intake, reduce carbo as much as i can. so no heavy dinner. kita jadi vegetarian for 2 weeks.arnab + kambing mode ON.

7. rasa nak bela kucing.ada tak kucing nak kat aku? oi..lempang plis.

ok.stop merepek-repek.


  1. 1. saya start diet 1.1.11

    2. saya pun blm tgk hantu kak limah lagi

    3. nanti pegi vietnam nak?

    4. kita kena stop makan tetel. byk lemak.

  2. comelnya si kucing itu..miau2..hehe

    Jom sini,
    Kiz Garden

  3. catzs,

    1. nak diet makan pisang then jogging. kompem susut patblas pound.
    2. hantu kak limah balik rumah, must watch. boleh gugur kandungan gelak okay..
    3. Cik Catzs tak suka shopping?! owhh..u r the most dream wife ever..ahaha..

    cheer up cik catz!
