Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lontong vs Polong

sarapan with emak and abah at our fav 'ngeteh' restaurant

abah ordered this for us. lontong!

lontong kuah putih yang yummy-yummy. with telur puyuh and sambal sotong. yeahhhh. extra sedap coz abah belanja. :).
This is our all time fav.

Then, we had rojak emak for lunch. malas ambil gambar. u can search the recipe. search dekat kotak tepi.

went to town for shopping and mengeteh at kopitiam.

Prepared simple dinner. and sleep. TV tengok aku.

and had seafood dinner with frens at Portuguese settlement in Melaka.

oh..teruknya writing aku lately.

i think, i've less interest on food and traveling lately.
i've list down my traveling journey in 2010. not bad at all. But i'm so lazy to blog on my traveling.dah edit gambar, malas nak mengarang ayat, so terbengkalai.

and actually i suppose to travel to south tomorrow, which i feel so lazy-lazy-lazy. i just travel to south last weekend, and i think travel to JB must be tiring. Drive to JB town and then menggagau ke permas jaya tuh. di manakah lokasi itew? is it near to pasir Gudang? anyone from JB? help me!
The client from yes-yes-yes co need person to handle 'technical issues' raised by the 'people' regarding to their facility. One hour talk cant guarantee that the issue will settle men. when handling issues which actually is political issue will drain out your energy. Buat kering tekak bercakap je.
but the event postpone. yey!
maybe should send polong je to handle the issue?


  1. Apa susah-susah....beli tiket airasia, terbang ke bali...

  2. catz,

    ke permas jaya boleh ikut jalan di tepi taman sentosa dan bakar batu , terus je naik jambatan dah sampai ke permas jaya

    anyway , kat area situ ada tempat makan yg agak famous juga "senibung" . byk gerai seafood, dia buka sebelah petang hingga tgh malam

    enjoy your trip

  3. sdpnye lotong...ngeh ke lontong?

    aku rindu lontong kat bastend muor tu.super sedap!!!

  4. cik... polong ke hantu raya? kau hantar polong kepala je terbang kang pengsan semua orang tengok tali perut kau, hihihi :)

  5. kau memang malas laa senah...ha ha ha.....

  6. catz,kat ne kedai ngeteh yang sedap tu....mas yp

  7. uncle,
    jauh nya detour???

  8. rezeki,

    thanks.been to senibung last year. i love their nasi lemak.

  9. zixol,

    basten muar? kedai yg mana?

  10. kog,
    polong..polong. not hantu raya.

  11. masyp,

    kedai makan diana, di pekan pt sulong.dekat dgn klinik tawakal.sederet.
