I was on airasia flight recently.
I think now AA has improved a lot compare to few years back.
so semua gembira kerana boleh terbang dengan lebih kerap.
ok, here are some experience that i went trough recently.
1. Surabaya - KUL, someone took my seat, and we argue, he said that " eh..perempuan itu yang mahu tukar, dia mahu duduk dengan anak-anak dan keluarganya, jadi saya duduk sini lah."
habis..ko duduk tempat aku, aku nak duduk mana???? atas lantai?
so we insist that, this is my seat. please sit according to to seat number lah kan. Nak tukar karanglah when everybody dah ada, and ask nicely kan. karang chaos lah kalau nak tukar-tukar tanpa beritahu tuan punya kerusi. we look at the lady who was busy talking to her children. she look at us blankly, yg tgh duk argue ni without any guilty feelings. Ok, i could understand if u want to sit with your family member, but can u ask nicely dengan tuan punya kerusi? Bukan suruh org yg duduk sebelah kau duduk kerusi lain yang kepunyaan org lain.
So we cant blame the guy who already seated, and plus muka dia adalah bawah sket lagi dari bouncer kelab malam rupanya. Or should i say muka dia macam bomoh cerita seram. Dengan topi ala-ala topi askar bintang 3, muka bengis, jaket lusuh ada kau berani Kiah nak suruh dia bangun?
Bengang. Plus, tahukan anda some people pay to choose their seat number?
setelah berdiplomasi, we managed to ask the guy to change seat no, tapi still duduk besides us, an aisle seat.Mine was window seat and my fren at center.
and kesian oke kawan aku, she almost fainted due to bau-bauan yang kurang menyenangkan while i was peacefully kroih..kroihhhh duduk tepi tingkap.
Kawan aku siap sembur-sembur minyak wangi C&K dia ke hidung.
oh ya. kawan aku rasa nak sekeh je mamat tu, sebab tak bertimbang rasa, tangan dia telah melangkaui kawasan so he kept elbowing her ribs.
Bengkek la kawan aku nih.
I said " nok, ko tolak je tangan dia"
she said ." ko berani? tah-tah dia ni bomoh tersohor kat kampung dia ke? tak takut kau?"
so pasrah je lah memendam rasa.
2. From BDO-KUL .
Someone took my seat.
so i said, "excuse me, this is my seat." i was booked on seat 17F (window seat).
And i pay to choose that seat number. so, i asked him to check his seat number on his boarding pass. from his face i knew that this indian man admit that he is sitting at wrong number, but he said, "duduk mana-mana sama la". Muka masam.
kalau macam tu , kenapa kau tak duduk atas kepak kapal terbang ke kan? boleh lambai-lambai orang kat bawah sekali? boleh main-main awan sekali.
or duduk atas ekor kapal terbang ke? kan? duduk mana-mana sama je kan?
he is a complete cow.
so i insist.
this is my seat, please, please sit according to seat number printed on your boarding pass.
Kau nak aku buat kecoh ke?
He look at me blankly. and continue busy with his mobile phone.
ok. aku konon-konon lambai FA yg tengah busy.
ok..now finally this cow bangun.
he sit at 17D, an aisle seat.
he continue busy with his mobile phone, type something, sending sms i guess.
the FA made an announcement that we should off any electronic devices , including mobile phone as we will take off soon.
That is normal procedure rite?
but this man, being pekak or saja nak tunjuk handphone dia best ke apa, selamba je. still playing with his mobile phone, tak off pun.
kita nak take off kejap lagi ok.
Ko tak dengar ke? ko tak tau procedure ke? ke kau saja nak carik pasal.??
The electromagnetic fields emitted by the mobile phone might interfere the flight navigation system. bahaya oke. kau bukan naik bas yang tak payah tgk radar ke apa.Tapi bas pun kalau salah handle, tak ikut peraturan jalan raya boleh eksiden oke. Ini kan pulak kapal terbang.
And as i'm working with EMF safety , i was really pissed off when people ignore the hazard of electromagnetic field.
And this complete cow still buat bodo.
aku bengang. Aku rampas henpon dia dan campak ke luar tingkap .
ok..no. that was my imagination only. lagipun tingkap kapal terobang mana boleh bukak.hiks.
ok..dah rasa nak sekeh orang. tapi malas pulak nak carik gaduh dengan ignorant cow nih.
A comel FA nampak and asked him to OFF his mobile phone.
ok..he OFF his mobile phone. Tapi tipu oke.
He actually just pretending.
And he continue using his mobile phone when the FA leave.
ok..kapal dah start jalan atas runway and the pilot made an announcement, asked the FA to be seated ,because we will take off soon.
this idiot still using his handphone oke. setan takkkkk.
if lah kapal ni crash ke apa ke...iskkkk....
serious rasa nak sinsing lengan tumbuk org masa ni.grrrrrrr.
And the journey was not smooth due to turbulence, plus aku rasa nak sekeh org.
normally we can use other electronic devices on plane but not mobile phone. Using mobile phone is prohibited. again.it would interfere the navigation system.
and same goes when the FA announced that we will landing shortly, OFF all electronic devices.
this cow still jugak guna henpon.
and thank God, we were landed safely.
eh, apesal aku tak berani sound complete cow ni ek?
oh, malas nak carik pasal dgn org bongok.
menghabiskan tenaga.
ok now lapar.
jap, kalau ppuan cerita 1st tu nak duduk dengan anak dia, apasal pakcik bomoh tak gi duduk tempat ppuan tu? swap camtu kan senang, tak libatkan orang lain
ReplyDeleteeiii tk sukenyer jd camtue..apsal suke suki jek duduk tempat orang lain ni..mmg la semua tempat sama but then u hv choosed ur seat unless u tk pilih n the FA bagi je dekat tiket tu seat mane2 yg available..huuu..setupid betul..we all aritu swap tempat sbb sebelah sy de lelaki gemuk..suruh adik duduk situ..kang tk pasal2 lelaki tu nk siku2 la..nk duduk besar2 la..huhu..
lenkali kasi laser je orang pakai hp maser tgh take off..doa dia kena sepak dgn kepak..ehehe..
p/s..happy belated birthday..biler leh kuar2 makan2 lagi eh.. (^_^)
ReplyDeletenormally, kalau beli time promo, lepas tuh tak beli/pilih seat, dia akan bagi mana2 seat je masa kita check in, bergantung kekosongan. (pandai AA buat duitkan? sebab dia nak jugak kita spend RM5 sekurang2nya utk book satu seat).so this lady patutnya duduk dgn this man and anak dia. anak dia sorang lagi duduk sebelah kitarang. dia nak anak dia duduk dekat dia jugak, so dia halau bomoh ni ke tempat kami. so this bomoh amik seat aku tepi tingkap.
ReplyDeletethanks for birthday wishes.
eh jom lah mai sini, ajak 'nenek' ko.
buleh kita lepak makan2..or maybe i ke KL kew..
maybe that cow pakai flight mode. but still masa nk take off & landing kene turn off all electronic devices.
ReplyDeleteyup..lebih selamat off je time nak boarding.flight mode ke haap..no h/p masa nak take off..and landing.
he is complete lembuuuuuuuuuuuu