Thursday, May 12, 2011

Hey! That Little Gerai is going local? check it out..!

Last night i was at Little Gerai with Needa to check their latest menu.

oh ya..check and like their FB. u can get information, map to the gerai, no telepon chef pun ada. Nak order food in advance pun boleh.errr..if nak berkenalan dgn chef pun boleh kot. hahhaa. pandai-pandai je aku kan. ampun chef.
klik sini FB That Little Gerai
Little gerai terletak di AU5 Lembah keramat. Drive ke Giant Taman Permata.
(aku tak reti jalan actually. so aku set kat GPS, Giant Taman Permata sebab gerai nih dekat2 situ. kot lah esok lusa tiba2 Giant ni pindah ke, tah2 aku dah tak reti pegi situ.kih-kih).
If dah jumpa Giant Tmn Permata belah kanan u ols, terus ke depan lagi, arah taman perumahan. jumpa bumper 2 kali, ada simpang masuk kanan. Nampak Syed Bistro kira betul lah tu. Kalau tak nampak syed bistro, maknanya u ols dah sesat sampai venezuela.hik-hik.
Lepas syed Bistro, ada gerai-gerai. ha..situ-situ je.

Oh...That Little Gerai is going local? i mean Little Gerai now serves Malaysian fav menu!

That Little gerai

Both Chef Aidy and Ray were very busy

Chef in action. Oh chef takde 4 tangan ye. Dua tangan yg bergerak itu adalah tangan helper dia. hiks.

ok u ols.this is their new menu..apakah rupanya seperti ini? pandangan dari atas adalah seperti lempeng yg dihias dgn cili??


Bukan lempeng u ols! But this is nasi goreng kampung!

nasi goreng kampung serves with telur kerbau, ehhhhhh..telur mata lembu, ikan bilis, and grilled chicken wings! yummehhhhhhhhhh..
comment :

rupa paras/physical appearance: yes. ia adalah nasi goreng kampung yang sebenarnya dan sepatutnya. Resepi nasi goreng kampung di mana ia menggunakan cili api, belacan, kangkung, ikan bilis, bawang dll.
Rasa : agak pedas bagi saya tapi u can always ask the chef to prepare suit to you preferences.
Mau pedas medium ke, extra pedas ke, pedas-pedas manja ke, u can always ask them. (ok yg ni aku pandai-pandai tambah..hehhehe. )

Bagi catz, antara nasi goreng kampung yang sedap and authentic. ada sayur kangkung, ikan bilis, pedas-pedas, dan sedap!!!



lasagna serves with salads

Actually it has been quite a while tidak ke sini. So last night needa and i were craving for laasagna. Erghhhhh. very meaty, yummy and the salads was fresh and goes well with the lasagna. nyammmm! Portion was big so end up aku dengan needa adalah macam ular kekenyangan rasa nak tidur bawah meja.

lamb chop

fish and chips

big ass burger

oh adik-adik sila sebut betul-betul ye bila order. jangan ckp " chef, i want big ass" like we did before and end up we ols ketawa macam nak terbalik meja when chef aidy kerut muka and said "u nak order apa ni ??? big ass i ke apaaaaaaaaaaaaa??????"
wakakaka. Azura Dushku! do u remember that??

grilled dory with mustard cream sauce

another fish and chip

grilled chicken

spaghetti bolognese

chicken chop

catz tak suka chicken chop sangat but i forced myself to try last nite. siap ai sekodeng how chef aidy prepare chicken chop ni.and sedap!!!.. goreng dan grilled.
tak oily, crispy di luar, tender and juicy di dalam and it tastes good! ok..if i craving for chicken chop, i know where to go....

aglio olio ..merembess you!

menu special ..aglio olio with salmon. goshh...nak! actually this menu was prepared during mothers day celebs but they still continuing it as special menu.

see.. derang kerja macam kartun when busy with orders..busy-busy-busy!

As time goes by, i think now little gerai has improved a lot. Food presentation, taste wise, and they promise you to serve the best and the way it should be. they use fresh ingredients, herbs, fresh seafood.tgk paras rupa, taste dan disediakan oleh chef berpengalaman, tak akan dapat harga seperti di Little Gerai kalau di tempat lain. Last night i asked chef aidy, "eiiiiiii..your spagety, lasagna etc are sooo meaty, sauce really creamy,thick and binatang - binatang yang u letak banyak dgn harga yg u offer ni u ols ni untung ke?" ---> busy body je aku kan. keh-keh.
chef aidy said, he only serve the best for his customer. kena masakdari dalam hati gitu. barulah kesedapan memancar-mancar. keh.nilah beza org yg masak dengan passion dan keikhlasan compare dengan org yg masuk food business utk untung semata-mata. agaknya laaa.

after little gerai we went to syed bistro for another teh tarik and gossiping..

it was fun. we met new friends and talk about many, interest, travel, food...
and something happened on the way back to bangi.
i was on the middle lane of MRR2, driving 100km/h, when suddenly i felt something wrong with my eyes. ok..i feel that both eyes were dry and this will lead something wrong with my contact lens i think. yesss! ngeriii.
contact lens aku bergerak dr posisi asal, mcm nak terkeluar.
and was really blurr..tak nampak jalan. i slow down + panic!
kereta semua tgh laju..and i was really panic. what should i do? mata dah le pedih macam tak boleh bukak dah...mmg blurry dan tak nampak jalan.
adalah 5 minit mcm tu. macam pasrah je dahh...
but suddenly my contact lense pop out. woo.....gila kauuu...
tiba2 terkeluar and ko ala2 drive mcm dalam gelap.
ok jangan panic kucing. sabar kucing....!
aku raba hand bag and i was lucky cos bawa cermin mata. so terus capai and pakai..
kalau tak harus lah agaknya aku bermalam tepi MRR2 kot. lepas tu nangis. kih.,
dah clear mata, pecut semula.
and i think needa who follow behind me were panic as well.
apesal kucing ni drive tetiba slow gila, bagi signal ke kiri pastu jalan ke kiri ke kanan.hoyong hayang cam mabuk.
and dia pun slow jugak, follow perlahan. then sampai simpang ke s alam dia pecut bila tgk aku dah ok.
selamat sampai rumah akhirnya. time kan kucing. sila ingat ye. pakai cermin mata bila memandu di malam hari.
ok dah.!


  1. dik nonnnn!! bahaya gilaaaaa pakai contact lens lama-lama siap terkeluar mata tuuu. sabar je lah. next time please be extra careful ehh!

    OMG!! pasal Big ASS tu memang kelakar tak hengattt! si Ram ni pulak gelak macam nak runtuh kedai, kita dua pulak muka terpiga-pinga. haha

    i misss youuuu!!

  2. kih3...ciken cop bawak gi opis.. makan dgn kak an & kak bedah yg suka memasak...panaskan dlm microwave..satu tkt 12 bau..huhuhu...

    Mak igt hari Khamis uu..rupanya Rabu..ciss..verangan esk jumaaat..

  3. hi azura,

    how are you dear?
    hahhah. tu lah panik ai youuu..
    next time i tobattt dah taamau pakai contact lens memalam drive. bila kena aircond kering...tuh jadi melompat kuar. rugi..baru pakai few days.

    a' nak terbalik meja ketawa hari tuuu..
    eh bila nak makan2 kat tlg lagi?
    jomm..i belanjaaaa..jom!

  4. Life,

    jom..habiskan sesi photo iteww..
    wah..satu building bau?? perghhh..
    pengiklanan secara percuma.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. thanks for the info..baru lepas tgk Best In the World at 8TV..tanya pakcik google terus dia bawa i kat sini... soronok baca!!

    Lynn ;)
