Sunday, June 26, 2011

Kisah kek lapis

I was at the one of the mall in Bin+ulu , ronda-ronda, and stop by at gerai kek lapis. Bestnya so mak pun menyample kek lapis sarawak. (sampling = makan semua nak rasa..yg sedap makan beberapa kali..kih)
The taste was soooo good, especially chocolate + cheese flavour.
so i decided to have 2, choc cheese and asam masin ..BUT dah pilih still tangan makan lagi. Kuat makan kan.

suddenly a man came to the shop and pick few pack..pegang letak..pegang..letak...

lelaki: "is it good?" he asked me and smiled.
aku: yeah it taste good, u can sample it..have some (aku unjuk bekas..ewah..aku dah kempen mcm aku pulak sales girl kedai itu- takdenya salesgirl tu nak aku bg satu pack free pun kan).
lelaki: (he took one slice..nyammm). this one made of margerine or butter? --> dia tanya SA
SA: butter ..
lelaki: he look at me and ask.. " what do u think? margerine or butter?"
aku: i think butter.
lelaki: how do u know?
aku: because it taste good, rich, moist, SEDAP.
lelaki: eh..if they use margerine, pun sedap jugak kan?
aku : hehhehe (sengih)
lelaki: dia tanya lagi dgn sales assistant, "this one originally made in Bintulu?"
SA: no.this one from Kuching.
lelaki: Kuching, if guna margerin, they sell it at RM10.00. Thats why i doubt that this one use butter.
lelaki: where are you from? working here? ---> pandang aku
aku: no, am on short trip, spending my weekend here.hihihihi..where are you from?
lelaki: west
aku: kerut muka.."west?'
lelaki: KL
aku: too (eh..dan-dan ngaku dari KL, padahal tang bila kau duk KL tuhhh cik kiah??????
lelaki: are u working here? (kan dah tanya tadiiiiiiiiiii..macam drama novela rashid sibir pulakkk)
aku: no..just spending my weekend here, and you?
lelaki: am working here, for a project.
aku: which co?
lelaki: IXM (and smile)
aku: oh....must be a big project
lelaki: yeah relate to dam construction, am project manager and stay in bintulu for 2 years already. How about you? am from Selangor actually. where are you working at?
aku: am with XXXXXXX XXXXXX
Lelaki: oh wow..
aku: eh..apa yg wow-wow ni..hahahhaha
Lelaki: nucl3ar prong...prang..pranggg..prong..
AKU: Prong.prang.nukl3ar..prong..preng...2021...pranggg...
Lelaki: fuku5hima..prong..prang..ding..dong..
Aku:, gempa bumi..ding dong..

macam drama le pulak kan. Dah le menebeng kat stall kek lapis dia, tapi belum tentu kitarang beli, and sembang all those technical things..
dong dang ding dong....

aku: eh..u tadi nak beli kek lapis kan
lelaki: yeah..buat i dont know which one to choose
aku: this one looks yummy , choc and cheese i think. eh rasa lah sample tu dulu
lelaki: (amik sample sikit hujung2 je...camno ko nak rasa sedap nok?)
aku: eh..u have to eat 1 slice, then only u can judge sedap ke tak
lelaki:" i depend on you...if u kata sedap..mestilah sedap."
aku: errrr...hahahaha... (aku tunjuk 2 pack..nak bayar)
lelaki: cepat-cepat amik dua pack juga and said " kira semua"
aku: ehhhh....takpe..takpe..
lelaki: "i belanja..oh ya..this is my card, can i have yours?"

oh thank you lah ek...sambil hulur kad i.
lelaki: kemana lagi?
aku: i've to go, need to catch taxi to the airport.

make it short, aku larii-lari cari cab.

sedap...and nama oso fancy-fancy. Tiba-tiba aku rasa nak belajar buat kek ni.ahahah... sudahlah kau kiah...sah2 fail kang. err..malas actually.


  1. catz.. hensem tak mamat tu? ada gaya anuat zeng?

  2. hi..just nak share..kalau kek lapis, better beli in kch..cos cheaper and lebih variety.. am a sarawakian btw...

    anyway, enjoy your blog.. :)

  3. catz, u pegi yang kat dayang salhah tu ke? tester dia gila meriah kann! i pon beli dua jenis je, tapi duduk kat dalam kedai lebih setengah jam meratah tester, muahahaha. nasiblah aku ni orang semenanjung yang jakun banyak tester depan mata, hehee

  4. hi catz, nape mamat tu xanta u ke apot.adoyaii..harap2 ader sambungan taw!spark..spark..he3 nape lak i yg tetiba epi nie...btw xpenah p bintulu, kch slalu gak, suke sgt kch..bersih n laksa swak sdapp giler..kek lapis adoyaii..meleleh air liuq nie...i pun suke yg ada cheese sume2 yg ade cheese i borong hu3

    take care catz
    rose ;-)

  5. wahhhh kena ngorat la tuh.heheheee

  6. kalau tau org tu nak bayar , amik lebih ye catz

  7. catz, u jgn lepaskan peluang ni. kalah citer korea kaww.. sms2 ler dulu... heheheh. (kawin jgn lupe jemput) =P
