Monday, October 3, 2011

Life's like that

I bought a book, life's like that by Lydia Teh.
The book is a about scenes from Malaysia life , things that we experience in daily life, in office, on the road, at home, at makan place, at shopping mall etc.
i spent my weekend reading that book. interesting, funny.
but, sure i have my own version oh life's like that.

# 1

my friend and i went to Pavili0n on saturday. shopping and makan-makan. oh that is after we spent almost 3.5 hours at plaza lowyat. impulse buying yo! computer accessories and wut not.
and my friend bought brand new toshiba laptop, epson printer and i settled with entah apa2 komputer accessories, FM modulator for my car. then we proceed to pavilion, had lunch.
this is my second time this week shopping and makan kat pavilion as few days before i had conference at hotel royal chulan and stay there. so haruslah cik kiah merayap lepas habis kerja, jalan kaki berpeluh dari royal chulan and makan plus shop as i need new sport shoes.
After had nice dolsot bibimbap at food republic, we proceed to merayap.
we went to parkson and my friend was looking for a dress/ skirt for dinner function. oh excitednya kau nak pi dinner which will be held next month in conjunction of Intern@tional conf3rence and 3xhibition for W0man engineer.
we browsed from one section to another, looking for something nice.sampailah di satu section..ohh...the bajus cantik-cantik and harga i think ok lah just that a bit expensive for sehelai kain dan baju. so kami kirai-kirai, tengok warna and mana yang berkenan, lekatkan kat badan. baju di susun rapat-rapat, so we took one, and put back and tengok cermin, amik letak balik.
The SA dengan muka masam macam cuka masam dengan agak kasar menyusun-nyusun semula hanger baju which i really dont understand why. dia susun -susun semula dengan agak kasar dan sedikit pun tak greet kami. siap bunyik-bunyik besi hanger baju tuh macam tengah geram ke apa tah.motif??dan siap jeling-jeling tajam. kami stay jugak tengok di rak berhampiram, still he stare at us macam kami ni ...entah apa ya? actually we love the dress, and mungkin dengan sedikit senyuman, sapaan dan sedikit layanan sopan, mungkin kami akan beli even though it was a bit expensive.
but with what he did to us, memang buat kami turned off.
ok..apa actually kau nak sampaikan ni wahai sales assistant? or should we call you as sales consultant (maklumlah di Pavilion??? kan.) or what ever name that appropriate ?
we went to another section and i settled with one blazer . ada lah jugak hasil.
mungkinkah sebab kami tak berpakaian macam orang kaya-kaya so tak layak le nak tengok baju dekat situ? lame. gila bongok. kami tak berpakaian selekeh. kami berpakaian selayaknya untuk berjalan ke shopping mall di hari ahad. or because of rupa kami macam student? tak macam orang kaya?
eii..entah-entah abah kitarang ni tauke balak ke... tauke kapal selam ke..mana kau tau?
at the first place, u as a sales person tak boleh ke beri layanan sama rata kepada potential buyer.
kena nak pandang kami macam kucing kurap?
adakah sebab kau kerja dalam pavilion kau rasa kau kelas dan prestige sangat?
ha-ha. so funny! soooo kesian.


we stop at traffic light. a car in front of us, open the door. and throw rubbish..hoh? ternganga mulots mak ni.
hellow...kau selamba je buang sampah atas jalan, depan-depan ramai
eh.kalau orang buang sampah gula-gula depan tangga depan rumah ko kan..ko marah tak???


kadangkala, saya rasa kecil hati.
i dont understand when people sometimes measure their wealth by having a blackberry.
ahahah. like selagi kau tak beli BB tu, dia akan asyik lah suruh kau beli. as if that takde black berry kau tak 'in' dan tak berduit dan tidak setaraf. and the most annoying thing is ajak keluar, tapi duk lah 24 jam busy dengan black berry. baik tak payah ajak aku keluar oke. sebab aku bercerita pun bukan ko pay attention pun, dan tak dengar pun, 24 jam duk sibuk dgn blackberry, ber BBM or busy with facebook macam budak-budak. please respect people who made effort masa untuk keluar dengan kita, dan saya bukan pasu bunga.


kita jarang menghargai apa yang orang buat untuk kita. lumrah! ucapan terima kasih pun kadangkala susah kita nak beri.


pemandu malaysia ni pelik. atas jalan raya ...ergh....malas lah nak tulis.

simple snack, salsa bruscheta


french loaf
limau nipis

cara-cara membuatnya.

kupas mangga, hiris kecil.
tomato belah dua, buang biji. hiris halus.
bawang-kupas dan hiris halus.
campur bahan hiris dan bubuh air perahan limau nipis.
gaul sebati. buh dlm fridge, bagi sejuk.

hiris nipis roti dan bubuh atas hot pan.
terbalik-balikan ,agak2 dah rangup angkat.

bubuh bahan tadi atas roti tadi. ngappp!

oh ya..versi aku tuh hirisan besar-besar..sebab aku malas. hehehhe.

snack sihat di petang hari!!!

selamat mencuba!


  1. suka cerita pavilion dan SA tu

    macam kisah Pretty woman...

  2. kt mana2 masih ada SA yg sebegitu memandang cust yg berpakaian biasa mcm org tak berduit je.. sy pernah kena kt The curve, masa tengah belek bj tetiba SA tu kate bj kt sini mahal2 kalau nk yg murah ada kt bhg depan. So pe lg my hubby ajk keluar dr butik tu :)

  3. stress ya gi Kl.. no mak rela gi KL drp dok opis nok! hazabb

  4. how about you do something different for the bread? before put into oven, you cover the bread with some olive oil on top. the bread will taste better :)
