Friday, December 9, 2011

Kuantan-Kerabu KANGKUNG -Tg Agas, Pekan dan Ikan Patin

I was in Kuantan  for a conference.
err....conference means work, meeting new friends in the same field of work, and food!
 my friend and i, were drive from bangi , and terseksa jugaklah jiwa raga bila kau berkereta dengan seorang peminat K Pop tegar. if lah lagu korea tersebut dijadikan translation ala-ala macam belajar bahasa korea, i'm sure by the time we reached Kuantan, aku dah fasih bahasa korea gamaknya.
pasrah je lah kan, since she agree to stop by at Temerloh R&R to have nice ikan patin lunch. yummeh!
We were so hungry as we trapped in jam, lori terbalik just after Bentong.

we stay at Bukit Gambang Resort City which was started with horrible experience with their staff.
 ok..we got our room, and with the price we paid, its not worth. and with other bad experience, we definitely wont come back. aku banned hotel ni.

the conference has started with conference dinner, perasmian etc.

 nyanyi-nyangi..menari-menari...we had fun. seronok lah kan.hihihi....
 dinner was nice, food ok and we met new friends..and they are all women engineer in various field of work.
saira and i

 eh..ha-ha. i met my readers here. malu -malu kucing ok, bila derang tegur, u ada blog ke?  yes....?
and she said " ha..betul la...patut macam kenal". kih..malu mak.
u ols, mak lupa nama u ols (i dah kertu) , hi..nice meeting you. err..please leave comment , i really forgot ur name. sempat amik gambar. hi u ols. how are you?

dinner was chinese course, delicious. 

ok..that is me, presenting my paper work on the 1st day conference.

Habis 1st day..hehehe..we went to the water park. omg..we rent a tube ! siap naik benda gelongsor tuh. sekali je aku naik ok..ketakutannnnnnnnnnnnn!
ok, anything relates to speed, height  jangan ajak aku.,
mak ni pentakut u ols..
kesian si saira yg excited nak naik tube dan menggelongsor ..tapi  no thank you. sekali cukup. and we end up main-main air je di pantai buatan itu.kihkihkih,.
sorry mek!

 zenith lounge, tengok bola

ok...selepas bekerja, we should reward ourselves with good food .

dinner at chicken rice shop

eh...malam ni Malaysia lawan Indonesia final sukan sea kan??
macam tak best nak tengok dalam bilik. so we were so kegigihan drive ke Kuantan, konon nya nak pi kedai mamak barulah meriah nak tgk bola. apa kelass aku nak tgk tv berdua je dgn kawan aku kan.
I called a friend, asking for any meriah kedai mamakin Kuantan town, and he said adalah satu kedai tuh, but we have no clue di manakah ia. so we dicided to have dinner at east coast Mall depan Zenith Hotel, and after dinner we proceed to Zenith lounge to watch the match. wah penting sgt kan..macam racing oke dari Gambang pergi Kuantan nak tgk bola kat TV ...kekekkeke. dah la jalan gelap u ols.

 semangat oke pakai baju kuning..kihkih...

teh tarik sedap !!!!

 takdelah meriah macam stadium or kedai mamak, but u know, when comes to bola dgn org tak kenal pun kita boleh join jerit sama-sama...
meraikan kemenangan..kih

ok,...esoknya conference continued for second day. 

then ptg kami pindah hotel. duk zenith. 

 lunch with our new friend, petronas engineer. Thanks for the treat. i doakan murah rezeki u. dia based di kerteh, we hope to meet again.

lepas makan & check in, we went to Pekan, pahang to meet my dearest friend, makcik kantin.

bot nelayan, Tanjung Agas, Pekan

Tanjung Agas, Pekan.

I fetched makcik kantin at her house (dia keje half day oke, sambut aku datang).We planned to get some fresh seafood at jeti Tanjung Agas,nak  main masak-masak kat tempat makcik kantin, but unfortunately, this is raining season. and pagi, tengahari  hujan lebat. so tiada nelayan ke laut, jadiknya tiada lah nelayan pulang membawa hasil tangkapan. kami sembang-sembang, mengeteh di warung dekat jeti. makan roti canai, keropok, teh o. nyamannn!! siap ada kucing nak bermesra-mesra dengan aku dan saira. amboihhhh...sukaaa kan kami bagi makan.
hohoohoh..kitarang mengeteh dgn pakcik-pakcik nelayan. wah terus i merasa diri ini adalah makcik nelayan laut dalam u ols. tapi i tangkap ikan kat supemarket. 
 makcik nelayan laut dalam

mengeteh di petang hari

roti canai, kuah kari , teh o suam dan keropok di petang hari dejat jeti. blisss..we shared the keropok with a black cat..comel jah kucing tu..

catz at Tg Agas, pekan
makcik kantin and I

Jeti yang sunyi

 Good by Tanjung Agas...!

Selepas tu, we rushed back to makcik's place. she cook mee goreng spesel. thanks mek. lain kali masak nasi beriani pulak ok.lauk kambing. hahahhaha.....

then kami balik semula ke Kuantan, as i had another appointment. dinner with friend. dah lama kenal tru blog and ni 1st time jumpa.

 we had dinner at Sara Thai , and the food was awesome!!!
Restoran ni terletak di deretan rumah kedai di tengah bandar Kuantan.
Menghidangkan authentic thai food.

 beef green curry

 ayam gajus

 green curry, sotong, ayam gajus, and  star of the night is...!!! jeng-jeng-jeng!!

kerabu kangkung!!
1st time ok, makan kerabu kangkung and it was soooo sedappp!!
sampai now aku duk teringat-ingat. i definitely would come back for this in future.
now tgh gigih cari resepi. sapa ada please ! please! please leave a comment and message me.
To you-know -who-you- are, thanks for the treat!!

laze around

Zenith Hotel, Kuantan


my room..very nice!!!

big breakfast

and on the last day, we had ikan patin lunch..
sedap gila !
di mana?
wait for next entry oke!


  1. Risau aku tgk gambar ko sebelah kaki kat tanjung agas tu , mcm nak jatuh kat dlm laut je

  2. hi catz..saya aini yang amek gambar ngan catz ari tue..silent reader jer nie..suka sangat baca blog catz..ada jalan2.. ada makan2..
