Monday, January 16, 2012

Singapore : bye-bye!

 My last day in Singapore. I had breakfast alone at restaurant  opposite to Mustafa Centre. Ok .agenda hari ni kita jalan-jalan ke Mustafa Centre.Catz jalan kaki je dari Hotel. 15 minit jugak le kot..

 This is my first time here. nak tengok le apa yang famous beno tempat ni. beroperasi 24 jam , menjual segala benda dari electric goods, baju, kasut, perfume, dan segala mak nenek benda..u name it..galaxy tab pun ado.Catz datang around pukul 9.30 pg, orang tak ramai memandangkan hari ini orang dha bekerja semula selepas cuti kerismes. Yang ramai adalah rombongan pelancong dari sri Lanka etc..wah macam bisnesman yang memborong macam-macam..

 besar gila mustafa centre ni. ada 6 exit tak silap..terletak di jalan Syed Alwi, ia di kelilingi oleh beberapa restoran. Money Changer? oh banyak sungguh...

Masuk je, bingung nak tangok apa. heheheeeee..sebab aku nak jalan-jalan sajork...
eh..aku terjumpa travel cooker. kat tempat kita benda ni susah nak dpt kan? kat mustafa centre ni,banyakkk..harga sgt reasonable..around SD65 - SD90.00 kalau tak silap..
 Disebabkan takde plan nak beli apa..agak membosankan aku kuar dan pergi ke nearest mall..lupa apa mallnya...City apa ke benda, kat junction traffic light hala ke Mustafa tu..tengok-tengok..beli barang sikit sebab still sales..murah jugak..and makan aiskrim di swensen..

 inside the mall
Lepas habis urusan di mall. catz balik hotel, berkemas.Then mandi , bersiap keluar coz i will have lunch with my good friend at suntex city.Catz naik cab and my friend said, she'll wait at tower 4 suntex..Sampai je dia dah tunggu and she is really sweet, she made a reservation earlier at nice restaurant called BaliThai.

this restaurant serves authentic thai and Indonesian food.
ok..look what she ordered...oh we have tomyam soup..which full with fresh seafood ,.mushroom and it was delicious!!
kerabu mangga! sedapp!!!
ikan siakap sweet sour
stir fried vege
 happy face, having good food, great company
 dear k izan, thanks!! thanks  alot for everything and nice lunch. datang KL tak jumpa aku siap kauu!!
stay at my place oke!
overall..satisfied! service =very good!, food= excellent, price: i would say reasonable, ambiance: very nice! 
water fountain
 christmas deco

after lunch, we babai-babai..catz naik cab ke airport to catch flight at 4 pm

 catz just check document sebab dah buat web check in earlier..

nice colour...

 free wifi!
ok..good bye Singapore...till we meet again !


  1. Datang lagi.. Kita gi USS, Marina Bay Sands, pasar kat kawasan rumah I :D

  2. salam catz,

    nice trip, saya plan nak ke singapore xlama lagi, boleh refer to your trails.

  3. catz.. ada email tak?? boleh bagi ke? ada sikit soalan...

  4. Salam, Carrie-Ma,

    thanks for reading.

    salam kenal.
    catz mioww

  5. Anon,

    my e-mail is

    thanks for reading.


  6. k izan tinggal kawasan mana? nak berkenalan.
