Wednesday, July 18, 2012


quick breakfast

I had meeting with client yesterday at one of the Church in PJ. The client, telco company representatives asked me to join him breakfast before the meeting, but mak malas. Singgah McD Sg Besi and had big breakfast alone. yummm...
Sampai church pukul 10.50 (meeting at 11.00). Dr VJ smiled at me and take us to dewan.
Luckly i managed to get my slides presentation done (wahh..mak bangun pukul 4 pagi buat nok...).
I met few other people, paderi ke apa nama jawatan. Derang wakil dari church lain and gathered to resolve their problems relate to telecommunication structure etc.
And malang lah pulak. The 'iman besar' was electrical engineer, jaga communication system di salah sebuat broadcasting kompeni. terpaksa lah aku mendengar ceramah dia pulak, instead of mak yg menceramah dia. aishhhh. To be polite aku bagi le kata-kata pujian pelesu like ' Mr Margus, thanks for sharing you thought  and info..very informative bla..bla..bla...' bagi dia kembang-kembang idong kejap before i put my point of view. Ni lah orang jaman senang sgt dapat and yg salah pun orang kata betul. Ikut hati nak aja aku bertekak-tekak dengan dia tapi apa ke jadah le aku nak bertikam lidah dengan dia kan. silap-silap client yg menghire mak ni tikam mak kat situ jugak. org suruh solve problem ko carik gaduh pulak. ha...
But other than that, they are very nice people. and oleh kerana mak ni the only lady and the one yg have say di situk, mereka amatlah friendly dengan mak and ask wether i can convince telco kompeni itew untuk memacakkan antenna di atas rumah dia. kihhhhhhhhhhhhh.  sapa tak nak duit free kan. Tapi sebelum tu sila lah kau bertekak dengan local authority ye. Tak pernah dibuat org bubuh stesen pemancar telekomunikasi atas rumah. But overall meeting was ok lah..till the 'imam besar' bisik kat Dr  VJ and said kalau boleh he dont want to see the structure in their compound. Hem..lantok le situ. And idok le Dr VJ and paderi yang lain itu berpuas hati..bengang..tapi sapalah kau nak lawan 'Imam besar' itu..gituh kekdahnyaaa. Client aku muka kelat and asked me to do something about it. Tah le nok. Buntu laa. Dr VJ suggest something to challange the keputusan Imam besar mereka itew..
ehhhhhhhhhh.....later lah ek. penat otak mak ni.
Mak ni dah chaos dah lately. Kena pulak aku memikirkan masalah orang lain. Sukatik korang la..nak dismantle ke..nak cabut ke...nak pasang ke, nak rebus ke  benda alah tu. sukatik le. tak nak duhets sudeh.

aku now dah macam hidup dalam timbunan report. We have 'big issue' recently which secara tak lagsung aku pun terlibat. and the director visit my lab before lunch tadi , caring lah gitu kekdahnya.
sure dia nak pitam tengok aku kerja..dah macam reban ayam pun iye jugok..kih.
usahkan kata 5S nok.. 2S pun mak tak sempat   (tapi sempat tulis blog? boleh??).
He stay around 1 hour ngadap muka mak nak bergosipan. I wish he could help me, tapi jadik pom pom boy pun boleh lah kan...

aku now tidor pun oil..... probe..

Balik pun bawak segala kerja sambung..aku tidur 3 jam je mlm tadi.


bersungguh-sungguh kann...


  1. 1st!

    waahhh....bukan ke tiang telco ni ada radiasi?

    betul ke?

    duhets2 gak..radiasi?

    sila beri info yang bener2 ye :-)

  2. ni work station ke hape nih?

  3. ksehatan jgn d lopakan..huhu..slmt bpose dear..:)
