Friday, July 27, 2012

Hangus?? Try Sunplay...

Recently there was a big issue in our department. someone said we were' hangus' in conducting our current project. To me because he mentioned.."kulit kami hangus as we were working in 45 darjah celsius temperature ..bla..bla..bla...".  thats a bit exaggerate . Aku tengok dia tak delah rentung or hangus seperti yang diperkatakan itewww.kalau sunburn sikit tu aku percaya lah coz dia pun datang visit sehari je je compare dengan mak  ni hah.

 dah tau kau nak kerja bawah panas terik and could be 'hangus' pergilah bersiap sedia. i bought 2 super block / sunscreen as my preparation working under the hot sun. as we know, the ozone layer menipis, we will expose to UV radiation and could damage our skin. oleh kerana concern melampau and i'm a bit skeptical with sunscreen product, i bought two type sunblock with 100++ SPF. Macam ala-ala nak tuang sebotol ke muka bila nak pi keje, macam lah kau putih sangat takut muka jadik itam berkilat.  kih. BTW kan kiah...kau putih sangat ke???
 Recently , if u notice, there is an advertisement on TV about Sunplay sunblock.
iklan tu kata, u tak akan get sunburn pun.wah teruja mak jemah you. 

so before off to work i applied  Sunplay on my face. euww..mula-mula mak tak suka sebab dia dalam bentuk cecair putih and i was thinking this must have oily effect etc..but NO! Ok je dan xde rasa apa...nice...
and the most important thing is sunplay has SPF 130, i think the highest  SPF available in the market for sunscreen product.


tengahari..macam udang kena bakar...memang muka berminyak dan kesan 
panahan cahaya matahari terik yang memancar ke bumi (mak oi..bahasa kau kiah)


so i'm happy with Sunplay becoz its proven effective to protect your skin from kehangusan. 
tak ada kesan sunburnt pun..
Actually aku nak tulis sebab banyak blog buat review product ni. semua cakap berkesan! dan memang betul pun!
errr....harap kalau manufacturer dia baca, hantar lah barang sedozen kat mak. hih...

so gembira je kerja diluar or dalam kawasan kepanasan melampau..

sengih kau kiah...

you..kalau u nak jelita macam i...tengok..tengok..i putihhhh je  , pakai lah sunplay ni...kompem putihhhhh je macam i...walau berbulu-bulu..i putih..


  1. overall kuning....hehehe dah macam iklan DIGI ler....ada dimana-mana....

  2. aku tgk iklan menatang ni kat maadu.. terngiang2 aku lagu dia..
