Sunday, June 30, 2013

on Golf....

I captured this photo at 7-11. Golf magazine?

Yeah..they have more than 7 golf magazine at 7-11???? seriously..?
so everytime i passing by the kedai, i definitely stop and baca (baca ke tgk gambo kiah?)
yeah..they have it in japanese, which i do not understand. but u know golf magazine of course lah berlambak gambar and ilustrasi menarik. So mak pun belek-belek-belek.
ok..boleh lah faham jugok.
and yang menariknya ada ilustrasi mcm komik..and aku rasa mcm ada gossip jugak..
if kat  msia we have majalah retis mcm majalah pelam, urtv bagai cerita kehidupan retis, in japan they also have lots information and tunjuk life golfer...makan apa etc...menariklah...iskkk...

suddenly i got butterflies in my stomach.
I have golf tournament this coming weekend and i dont have enough time to practice and play.

bertabah lah hatiiii kiahhhhhh

1 comment:

  1. Wow ok.

    Org main bowling, ko main golf. Awesome ko kiah! now ahkak admire ko plak...Calit.
