It was not really excited as this is my second visit to japan...
just that i have to write down something that i need to remember about the trip..
duit jepun - Yen
my fav food- tempura
my fav breakfast spot in hotel cafe. watching people rushing to work every morning while enjoying nasi, ikan salai and roti.
Rasa macam makan nasi sejuk dengan ikan masin masa kat kampung. The fish is a bit salty..goes well with nasi.
tiket train..comel sangat
sukaaa..amik gambo di minimarket..
durian candy..i brought this and put it in candy bowl on the exhibition table
seafood rice
watching parade under the hot sun at disneyland tokyo.panas meleting yohhh.....nak tgk mikey mouse lalu...
hah...tu haaaa
dapppnya aiskrim
lunch at disneyland tokyo
nyomm..nyommm...nyom... beli? no....? gedik gila
ok...beli yang iniiiewww. bola golf 12 bijik..
more food....
tiba2 aku ada kedai kat tokyo...hahhaha
sebenarnya banyak gila gambor..termasuk lah event dinner malam persidangan tuh...tapi kat mana ye..laptop satu lagi kot...kang sambung....lotssss of photos..especially food photo...
wait yeahhh...
lama gillllla tak singgah sini.
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Hi you! :)
lamaaaaaaaanyaaaaa x update blog..
ReplyDeleterindu ur masak2 n storymory..
mcm biasa nmpk jer foods tuh...
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