Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Hi..! I write again because of India.....

 Hello India..!!

krekkkkkk....krooookkkkk...kreeeetttt... (bunyik bukak pintu rumah bersawang)..

sreshhh...sroooeshhhh...sresshhh....uhuk..uhukk  (bunyik  buang sawang..dan bulu ayam ku hayun kiri kanan)...sambil terbatuk2..walau pakai mask  rege 80 sen beli kat wotsen tadik..

Gedebuk...buk..bukk...bukk..(pukul2 habuk kat sofa)....

srrshhhhhhh...sresshhhhhh....sressstttttt....kressshhhh..krossshhhhh....(bunyik sapu lantai)

Lepas 5 jam operasi membersih..

pasang kipas kuat kuat sampai nak tercabut blade tu....


Hi..i come back here because of India.

Travelling to India was always my dream.

I was thinking my trip would be fly from KL to Delhi... Naik train ke apa tah..going to AGra..visit Taj Mahal... and go back to Sarojini market for sareeeee....'

and i materialised it recently..
but not saree trip okeh!

A road trip ke celah gunung ganang. (ok..sounds extreme, tapi tak le sgt..drama je lebih).

The verdict?

I FALL IN LOVE WITH INDIA..!  yea.. i repeat it twice ..sambil flip..flip..flop hujung sari..eh shawl yg aku beli kat LADAKH.


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