Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Food marathon on weekend


lepak at paparich and karaoke session. tak improve-improve pun suara aku. Ni kalau audition AF9, nyanyi belum sampai satu baris , sure Ramli MS dan angkat kad merah. huh.

I'm addicted to warm honey lemon at paparich.
Two weeks ago, my fren and i went to Paparich solaris and i had this honey+lemon..oh, i lurve it so much.
So i have this addiction for almost 2 weeks. (melampau).

I was thinking to prepare it at home.
senang je kan?
after 2 experiments , yeah..the taste is good, as good as paparich one. ngeh.
boleh tak aku feeling the taste would be exactly sama IF aku ada cawan putih tersebut.
I dont have that cawan at the moment and was looking for it merata.
errr...kat mana nak beli?

and on saturday, i have food fiesta. oh..food again?
yeah. i went to IKEA.
we had salmon terendam dalam sos apa tah with herbs.
But my friend and i agree that the salmon was like Ikan kembung yang menyamar menjadi ikan salmon. Dont know wut went wrong..the herbs? the cream ke apa tah.
But the taste was like ikan kembung goreng.

salmon. sihat kan makanan aku?

and star of the day! swedish meatball ! wow, tamak oke. we had 15 meatballs and the waiter was so generous sampai banjir oke pinggan aku. fries tuh pun ala-ala kelemasan akhirnya.


and this is our plate after errr...15 minutes ke?

after bought few things (candle, vase, pokok bunga) we proceed to UM for some lab work.

AND at 4.30: we go to The garden because my beloved friend ni craving for ice-ice thing at Jonker sweets.

yeah..the mall was so meriah with allthe christmas decoration. cantik!

i like this! wah feeling-feeling nak angkut bawa balik satu pokok, but i'm sure my emak will tebang the pokok if dia nampak.

christmas tree is everywhere

yeszaa..we had ice jelly..and

sweet and cold

mix fruit lolo and soursoup with apa benda tah. we manage to have 3 mangkuk oke. and not only that, i bought 2 Homi karipap. so there u go. satu hari punya makanan can feed sekampung kan.
Then proceed to mark & spencer for shopping spree. I luv to shop jeans at M&S becoz they have perfect cut for petite people (read: pendek) macam aku. No potong-potong dah.


I was working on Sunday and had lunch with client at The Curve. Then go to site, kerja and after that balik.
The truth is, i hate this client. wah berani cakap lah depan-depan kau kiah. ha-ha. nak mati.
when he asked me to joint him for tea at 5 pm, aku angkat bag terus babai-babai and balik walauuu dia dah duduk nak order something for me.

marathon amazing race vs marathon mulut. 1/2 mangkuk gone.wah cuba kau amik kalkulator kiah, berapa kalori masuk dalam badan over the weekend.

then bermarathon amazing race asia sampai tgk finale coz actually aku belum tgk final race. And yg best sebab aku mmg tak tau lagi sapa yg jadik juara. oh congrats to Richard&Richard. Actually i was hoping that the Indonesian team will menang tapi..sobs..very the drama. Apa nak buat, aklau aku suh berdiri dan jalan atas sehelai tali macam tuh pun, mau ketarrr... or maybe if the hadiah is 5 milion kot, boleh kot aku lari-lari atas tali tuh.hik. The ketam at the seafood restaurant was so tempting, sooooo sedap gila. chili crab! i want chili crab please.
(wah, tiba-tiba aku feeling-feeling balik ni nak MASAK ketam?).

On the other hand, besides food addiction , i oso addicted to watch:

1. Hawai Five-O
3.PERFECT MATCH - rancangan realiti match2 kan jodoh dari China. (wil blog about it later).


  1. ko kiah...kalau makan...mmg wat aku tergodeee gillerr...bertambah2 lah berat aku lagi skrg...waduh222 geram giller tgk swedish meatball tuhh...

  2. amazing race tu kan... huhh memang ketar wey nak jalan atas tali tu... eh tengok tak si hussien tu masukkan jugak ketam dalam mulut dia...cant resist the temptation... kalau aku kat situ pun aku geram tengok cili crab tu..

    malam tadi sempat tengok amazing race yang bukan asia tu... yeahhhh doctors yang menang...tetiba rasa semangat nak masuk amazing race...muahhahha....

  3. syarqiah,
    wah.kita nak dtg kedai awak lahh..
    rindu sama nasik buhara..

  4. nenet,
    yerp...husin sempat masuk sket dalam mulut ketam tuh...hahahhaa..
    mana tahan nok..terliur..
    takkan pegang jek kannnn

  5. hi catz, kita pun sokong kt hussien & natasha tu...syg kan depa kalahh..patotnyer natasha laa p try.tgk michelle selambanyer leh cross...hu3. catz bgi laa resepi wat honey & lemon tu.. kita dh try guna madu khaula plus lemon kecik jer kt giant tuh..hirisan lemon xleh rendam lama2 kan catz rasa kelat...


  6. hi rose,

    now honey le,om become my fav drinks.
