Friday, December 3, 2010

i'm back..

hi! i'm back.

lama dah tak week perhaps.
was running here and there, meet lots of people, new friends.
So many things stucked in my head.
i was attended 2 conferences in KL, Hotel Legend KL and DoubleTree by Hilton.

As the secretariat, we had pahit-manis experience..ha-ha. u know who u are eh. cemas? hik.

International conference that gather more than 200 participants from 25 country i think, officiated by the minister of m0sti.

We had dinner as welcoming ceremony for the participants and distinguish guests.

ah..culture show which represented 1M@laysia. entah. segala tarian. interesting. Akhir tarian, mat-mat saleh and other participants from other country telah berebut-rebut bergambar with the dancers. we all tengok aja lah. Kasiklah can kan. agak malas nak ambil gambar. Adalah actually ambil gambar , tapi muka kepenatan coz we worked since sunday subuh till nite sampai lunch tak sempat, monday morning 7.15pg dah terpacak at sec room etc, so muka was like tak tidur 2 minggu and melayan segala karenah manusia. and sometimes macam nak cekik manusia pun ada jugak kot. tapi..sabarrrrrrr.

Dessert ! nice. cheese cake.yummy.

4 days here, was a wonderful experience. new friends, nice food and we certainly enjoyed our stay. oh actually the best part is kebolehan untuk berjimba-jimba sekitar KL. hehhee...lepaking at pelita nasi kandar near KLCC, lepak at kg Baru, etc. ngehhh. merayap nok malam-malam. malam ke hapa kan? pukul 1-2 pagi baru balik bilik. ngehhheeeeeeeeeee. Anak sapa lah tu kan pukul 2 pagi makan mee goreng mamak kat Pelita. hik. Memang sampai tahun 2016 tak kurus la.

ok dahh.

Then rushed to DoubleTree by Hilton, KL for another conference.
One of my reader asked me to blog on DoubleTree Hilton. Ok, i will. but takde foto sgt coz i was not in the mood of taking pictures like before, plus kamera aku kenapa tah, takmo ON. mogok ke atau nak kena masuk muzium ke apa tah. nanti kau.

here i am..met new friends and old friends.

opening ceremony by Datux XXX

i lurveeee this hotel ,will blog on this later.

wow..sanggup tak redah jam mcm ni hari-hari? gambar diambil dari atas jejantas ke Ampang Park Shopping Mall. Gigih tak aku.
Disebabkan ini, i stay overnite at doubleTree. Tak kuasa pagi-pagi redah jam. Plus this is the 1st Double Tree in asia pacific region , so why not try? and it is worth.Really enjoy my stay! awesome! plus the food here is really nice!! i definitely would come again in future.


  1. Hi Catz!

    Lamanya menyepi! Miss u and your writings too!

  2. ye lah Catz..lama dah tak tengok gamabr2 food n ur travel adventure kat blog u....jgn stop blogging ye...

  3. 2 conferences rapat-rapat Catz...boleh tambah kilo :)

    Actually, kat mana Double tree tu...tak terperasan plak. padahal lalu jalan ampang tu almost everyweek ke HQ?

  4. hmmm...lamanya tak dengar citemu catz....mas yp

  5. hi Hann,
    i'm back..
    but too lazy to write. will try to update everyday like before.
    thanks for keep coming and reading.
    salam maal hijrah

  6. marie,
    i will try.
    keep reading ya.

  7. DrSam,
    yes..definitely , tambah berkilo-kilo.
    double tree is depan ampang park. if u see the photo jammed tu..on the right is double tree by hilton (yg ada tulisan merah tuh). do u see the INTERMARK building? that is double tree.
    it is new/latest 5/6 star hotel in KL.
    veryyy nice place.

  8. hi anon/mas yp..

    hai..thanks for keep coming and reading.
    try to update selalu afetr this.
    i'm too lazy to write.

  9. Salam Catz.
    Banquet Manager kat double trouble tu Uncle punya former staff....

  10. hi catz,

    lama menyepi...mama ingat catz pi melancong ke mana...

  11. salam...
    sangat rindu kamu n e3 kamu..
