Saturday, December 4, 2010

Life is not perfect


i spent my weekend at home. yey! This is because few weeks before i have to work and travel on sunday. Same goes to the next weekend actually , cakap je kerja ahad but on saturday still to do some work for preparation.

i prepared simple breakfast on saturday but mmmm...yummy. sausage in pasta sauce, egg and mushroom. and on sunday, we had nasik goreng kampung.

then i cooked for lunch. Ikan masak kicap, sayur sawi, sambal lada hijau dan ikan masin.
After that i had 3 hours spa session. i met new friends,sweet indian lady who joint her husband for superbike activities. wahhh...kagum mak. She asked me to join her, but oh ampun ya..i just cant. First, kaki aku pendek kan. of course lah tak sampai aku nak bertenggek atas superbike iteww. secondly, i do have mix feeling. Boleh ke aku duduk atas motorbike yang dipandu 160km/jam. sure aku fikir aku akan terjerit-jerit and finally terpelanting kot. Or org yg bawak aku akan tinggal aku tepi jalan sebab gedik buat bising. dah le kan. tak yah berangan nak join superbike activity kan kiah. Err..tapi best lorrr. They ride to Thailand, vietnam segala oke.

oh the best part was, kitarang gossiped on banting case. hahaha. tau lah kan. coz she is one of family friend yang involve tu and she previously worked in that law firm.dang! so banyak information lah that we discussed further. eh macam lah perlu kan. kihkihkikh. Macam nak jadik wartawan tak bergaji pun ye jugak. Ala-ala kak senah berselendang.

Then sunday, went out for movie, the social network. it was awesome! Malas nak buat review.


Then i had nice lunch at Black Canyon.

chicken soup

spicy tuna salad, apa tah fungsi cili tu. tapi sedap!

beef steak

drinks , lemon and coffee

and we had ice cream for dessert. yummy. bateri kamera dah kong.
eh SLR kamera aku mmg dah merajuk kot. the battery is fully charged but kenot ON. so gamaknya nak kena hantar ke museum ke apa eh.

but i'm so happy coz finally i can have normal weekend.

Life is not perfect, but i'm sure there is a perfect moment at least once in our life.
so hows ur weekend?

eh..perasan tak.
sapa tengok awan dania? makcik mary dan mak jah bergabung tenaga dalam season nih. kihkihkih.


  1. sis bile dpt jumpa lg..leh pi mkn2 sesama lagik...

  2. sedapnya beef steak..
    utk musim baru awan dania ni baru sekali je tgk

    salam maal hijrah ..catz

  3. Salam Ma'al Hijrah.

    Semoga bertambah baik, bertambah sihat, murah rezeki dan dilindungi Allah selalu, Insya Allah..

  4. minuman tu nampak sedap...ada ice2 gitu kan..

    ooh citer social network tu best eh?? kena pi tengok ni...

  5. catz - kah kah kah , psal kaki pendek tu jgn risau you can always ride a kapchai and join the superbikers. you are always on the move , kekadang bila dah kerap sgt bergerak staying at home would be the best holiday trip

  6. hi there..
    someone told me that u suke jalan2.. :) heheh
    eh, btw watched the "the social network" too! worth watching! :)

  7. salam..
    kak.. sy suka sgt view blog akak..
    banyak bnd nk tye sal bercuti sbb tgk dr entri2 akak yg lepas tu banyak sgt gmbr g bercuti..
    bole x kalo sy contact ngn akak by email.. sbb kat tempt kje sy ni x bole la berfacebook ke, ym ke, msn ke..
    kalo akak sudi, ni email sy.
    tengs ae kak.

  8. Assalamualaikum ...

    Nak tanya, masa u pergi New Zealand tu u buat itinerary sendiri atau through travel agent?
