setelah tidak beroperasi hampir dua bulan, That Little gerai is back!

Big ass burger..

and these..

ok...lets go to That Little Gerai! beroperasi di tempat baru! cool!
kuda: oh semputsssss mak....pusghhh..puff..puffff...pufff...
baju oren: nak naik..nak naik..nak naik jugakkkk!
baju kuning: nok...yang seswai naik budak-budak ni....kalau ko naik..kang masuk ICU kuda ni...
baju oren: nak jugakkkkk!! (sambil bentak-bentak kaki)
customer: ye pinggan ke 7...
oh ya.tadi catz cakap mereka beroperasi di tempat baru kan...? so di mana lokasi mereka????
ok...lokasi baru adalah hanya 2-3 langkah kucing je dari lokasi lama.
dekat situ jugak, tapi jarak adalah sekangkang kucing je dari lokasi lama ye.
dekat corner lot rumah kedai lokasi lama tu.
err...landmarknya, GIANT Taman permata.
jalan terus lagi..simpang kedua, masuk kanan. nampak syed Bistro, jalan kedepan lagi sket..toleh kanan dekat rumah kedai tuh. ok...
ni catz copy dari facebook TLG.
How to get there:
From MRR2, exit Taman Permata, you'll see Giant on your right. Go straight. Pass two bums and make a right at the simpang tiga. You'll see Syed Bistro and lots of gerai on your right.
If you would like to order something out of the menu, just talk to the Chef. He'll do his best to accomodate you.
If you would like to order something out of the menu, just talk to the Chef. He'll do his best to accomodate you.
A little gerai serving "almost" Western Food by Chef Aidy & Chef Ray. Come for makan or teh tarik session.
Open sunset till late. Closed Mondays.
Open sunset till late. Closed Mondays.
sampai hati kau tak ajak aku catz.... :(
mite going there with kakak laaa....
Seronok sangat baca Catz punya Blog .. sampai melilih lilih air liur teringin itu dan ini hehehehhee
Rasa tak sabar nak balik Malaya and cuba makanannya ...
Salam Catz.
Thanks for being there...dengan Romie Pujaan! Great company. Kalau tak, Uncle dok layan kuda sajalah! Hahahahahahah.....
Salam Catz.
nice photos...I tengah plan nak kesana lagi ni
me pun di jemput..cuma x berkesempatan nk pergi..nice pic
Ke kl tak pernah sempat nk ke TLG padahal stay kat wangsa maju. Insya Allah next trip to kl nk kena pegi ni
sdp... da try...
nk pegi lg hehe..
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